To graduate, LHS students will have to take a variety of new requirements ranging from Income and Money Management, Civics and a College and Career Readiness course.
The changes come from a state-wide requirement that affects all schools in Oregon. With all of the changes to graduation requirements, the amount of elective credits needed to graduate has been lowered from 6.5 to 5.5.
“The state passed some rules that created a need for financial literacy and college and career readiness,” said LHS assistant principal Brian Crawford. “We ended up actually having classes that were kind of elective options that hit those things.”
Income and Money Management used to be an elective class at LHS, but is now a requirement. Franklin Stutevoss is the new Income and Money Management teacher.
“The course covers topics such as budgeting, credit and debt, investments, and everything else in between,” said Stutevoss. “These skills and knowledge are incredibly important and useful as [students] pursue their goals after their time at LHS.”
This change has eliminated sophomore US History from being a year long course to a semester long course, with students finishing their requirement with Civics class as upperclassmen.
Crawford is also spearheading the College and Career Readiness course with a focus on future preparation for LHS Students. The course is supposed to help students become more familiar with their options for life after high school. This class will be available to take for students starting the next school year.