There has been a significant change in the use of phones within LOSD schools: No phones from the beginning to the end of the school day. As of this year, all personal electronic devices such as smartphones, smartwatches, AirPods and personal computers are prohibited from being out during school hours, which includes passing periods and lunch.
This policy was released to the public on Aug. 14 and was fully implemented with the start of school.
Reactions to the rule have varied from staff and students.
“I think it’s fine. I forget about my phone in school and I’ve noticed myself doing a lot more work,” said senior Ronan O’Hare.
Though some students aren’t as neutral.
“I think right now, it’s just unnecessary. There are bigger fish to fry and we should focus on larger things like mental health or substance abuse in our school,” said senior Mila Kaplan.
The administration implement this policy through disciplinary action, while teachers give warnings and can remove phones.
“The school board wanted uniformity for the policy districtwide, and [we] do our best to enforce it by admin and staff monitoring hallways and classrooms,” said Assistant Principal Brian Crawford.
School-issued Chromebooks and approved personal electronic devices are allowed to be used during school hours unless there is a loss of privilege. In the event of a health or safety emergency with prior principal approval, personal electronics are allowed.
Students who are caught with any personal electronic device during school hours will be given a warning and told to put the device away. If caught a second time, the device will be taken to the office for pick up and guardians notified. Caught for the third time and a guardian will have to pick it up. If caught any more than three times punishment will be issued.